Saturday, October 9, 2010

Some new stuff

So today I helped my friend Joanne take pictures. Her 'mini' sessions were 1/2hr long and we were booked all day (9:30-4). I didn't take pictures or anything...that's Jo's specialty. :) But I got to greet people and talk to them, take money etc. It was fun....but definatly a long day. The weather held off until our last 3 sessions...but then we pulled out the umbrellas and got some really cute pics like that too. She'll be posting some pics on her blog in 3-4 weeks if you want to take a look. . It was fun, had a blast, made lots of funny faces to get kids to smile...even tried some jokes, though I don't know they all ended not funny. Soaked my shoes and socks, super glad my hubby brought me extra of each after.
After pics I met B+L and B's parents place for dinner, then headed out to watch B and all his brothers play hockey. They won! Yay! L came along, which he usually doesn't because the games are all so late, but today they played at we could finally make one. My sister and her two kids came along too, and D loved it...though next time I think he's going to bring his own hockey stick because he wanted to play on the side while the game was on.
And now I am home again. L is in bed, B is out with the team watching the canuck game, and I am here relaxing infront of the computer. ahhh.
But that's it...there's a few pics I want to put up, and I hope Joanne is ok with it. super cute ones from a day at the park. Enjoy!

What a poser! Cutie!

So L decided to run down the hill..
but tripped and went head first into a mole hill.
hahaha. had to get a pic before we cleaned him up! :)

Mommy! Don't!

Mommy!!! I said DON'T!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Swimming lessons

So these past 4 weeks L and I have been taking swimming lessons every Tuesday and Thursday morning. At first L was like 'I'm not putting my head underwater', but that is what we have been working towards. And though he might have hated me a couple weeks ago for forcing his head was the first day L put his head under water all by himself! YAY L!! I'm glad he is not afraid of the water anymore!
But it has definatly been a busy month for me. Working 10 hours on Monday's and Wednessday's, then swimming lessons Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Friday is my only day to 'go out' since my 2.5yr old L still naps in the PM for 3hrs. (Don't hate me :)) This Thursday is our last lesson, and then things will get back to normal, and I can actually visit.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Loon Lake Hunting Trip

B, L and I went to Loon Lake with our friends B, M and their daughter K. B and B went hunting for 3.5 days straight. Saw TONS of deer sign, but no bucks down. :( They will try again in November. Here are some pics of our cabin, and the lake. Which is where M, the kids, and I were all day. It was beautiful!